I’ve Got A Crush On Me!!

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Eden has finished writing her third children’s book, I Love My Arms.  It’s the third installment in a series of books about self love for children and the companion to I Love My Nose and I Love My Feet. She is currently at work on the additional 3 books in the series and is developing a children’s product line to be released in conjunction with them.


      The Heroine’s Journey        


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A Celebration of Epic Living


Your only destiny is to live a life of fulfillment, one filled with love, joy and passion. But first you must step into that destiny. You must say YES to becoming the heroine of your own epic adventure through the miraculous landscape of life.


The heroine’s path is a complex and beautiful journey, one where we encounter challenges and celebrate victories, where we find love and loss, and embrace every moment of what it means to be blessedly and wholly human. But to be a true heroine, we have to be truly brave; we must have the courage to step in to the life that excites us and inspires us. So many of us wait for a safety net to appear before we have the strength to jump into a new experience. But this approach is doomed for failure and leaves us stuck in unfulfilling circumstances while we remain shackled to words like “someday.”

Because here is the secret:  It is the energy of jumping itself that causes the safety net to appear. Or better still, when we jump really high, we sprout wings to soar, so we no longer need that safety net.

In this extraordinary three-day life-inspiring event, come together with your sisters from around the country for a series of workshops about what it means to be the heroine of your own exceptional life story. 

The Workshops Will Include Topics On:

The Heroine in Every Woman: Finding inspiration from the most interesting and accomplished women in history, from Mary Magdalene to Mother Theresa, from Hatshepsut to Harriet Tubman, Boudicca to Anne Boleyn.  Connect with a legendary heroine archetype and step into their shoes for inspiration.

- Becoming a Queen: Take off your princess tiara and step up into the role that an empowered woman is meant to embody ~ that of a Queen. We will explore what it means to be a true queen, our willingness to assume responsibility for our lives, to be vessels of service for the higher good, and how it is only a queen who can transform a prince into a king.

- The answer is always YES – Now what is your question?  The universe is always poised to say yes to you. When you know this and can live with this powerful knowledge every day, it can and will transform your life. But you need to be careful what you ask for and how you ask for it. If you think you understand the laws of attraction, and yet they aren’t working for you quite the way you had planned, this workshop is for you.

- Today is your Someday: Someday, I’ll travel. Someday, I’ll go back to school. It’s time to identify the dreams you have been putting on hold and go after them. Make every day your someday!

- I’ve Got A Crush On Me: How would your life change if you could see yourself the way that the Divine sees you? Connect and align with the stellar heroine inside yourself, all the while learning to bring more love, laughter and joy into your life.

- Breaking through FEAR: Explore where fear has held you back, where you cling to it because you believe it is protecting you, and what fears you are ready to release now. It’s time to face the fear, and banish it once and or all!

- Claim Your Power: Become aware of your personal power, set healthy boundaries & develop conflict skills to keep you empowered in your life. Do no harm – but take no abuse! Finding the power of the divine feminine within to move you through times of challenge and elevate you to new levels of strength.

- Give Yourself the Gift of YOU:  Working from a place of deep self love is the path to true heart-centered and joyous living. With vibrational exercises and tools to strengthen your heart connections and help you to fall more deeply into self love.

- The Heart of Service: In order to change the world, we need to change ourselves first. But once we are on the path of that change, it is time to take a vow of service and make our commitment to creating heaven on earth. We can be – we must be – the change we wish to see in the world.

Featured Presenters:

Beth Tiger

btBeth Tiger is a Self Love & Life Transition Coach who recently authored her first book, Balboa Press best seller “Rising From the Ashes of Divorce.” An inspirational speaker, her approach is no nonsense, fun, and edgy – yet always filled with great empathy and compassion. As owner of A Life Well Lived ~ Center for Inspired Living in Ramsey, NJ, Beth’s work is focused on individuals loving themselves and deliberately creating a life they enjoy. She empowers those she works with to face their fears, heal their own wounds and walk into the next chapter of their life excited about what is before them. She and her husband have recently formed Durga Tree International – a non profit which supports the growth of small charities around the globe who are working to eradicate human trafficking.

Eden Marie James

emjEden Marie James is a therapist and counselor trained in 13 different healing modalities. Her college education in Psychology opened the doors to a path of self discovery that includes certification in hypnosis, behavior modification and release, NLP and nutrition. Eden has appeared on numerous national and local news programs and talk shows speaking about breaking the self-loathing cycle associated with low self-worth, self-love and body image. She is a national educator and trainer for Fortune 500 companies, owns a television production company and works as an activist combating police brutality and human trafficking. Eden recently completed her first children’s book called I Love My Feet and lives in Laguna Beach with her husband, daughter, dogs and frisky felines.

Theresa Byrne

tbTheresa Byrne is a master instructor in several martial arts, as well as a nationally recognized defense expert appearing on television shows for ABC Family and SPIKE TV. Teaching you to empower yourself against anything that can cause harm, she owns a martial arts and fitness studio in Denver, Colorado. She is the founder of “Bling With Sting” a patented defense tool designed for women and creator of the exercise DVD “Fitness Revolution for Kids” www.RevolutionForKids.com. Theresa is also one of the few female instructors trained by International Police Defense Tactics Institute (IPDTI)and is also certified as an Anger Management Coach/Educator.

Susan Marek

susan-marek3Susan Marek is a professional intuitive, teacher and author dedicated to facilitating spiritual growth and healing through her workshops, writing and personal mentoring.  Using her experience as a Reiki Master and angel therapist, Susan empowers people all over the world to live an authentic, divine life filled with light and integrity by providing the tools and techniques for using their own sacred gifts. Susan is also the author of A Children’s Guide to Chakras, which was named a finalist in theAbout.com‘s annual Reader’s Choice Award competition. She currently resides in Oregon with her husband and children.

Mary Parent

mpMary Parent owns a wine shop in Arlington, Massachusetts, a town just outside of Boston. Mary understands that wine has been a sacred element for eons, and that it is rude to refuse the sparkling.


Larisa Stow


Larisa Stow is the lead singer singer/songwriter of the band Larisa Stow and Shakti Tribe.  With five albums, including her newest offering, the critically acclaimed Rock On Sat Nam, she is committed to creating peace and raising consciousness through music.  Inspired to help others reach their potential, she leads transformational playshops, incorporating tools from her private practice as a Transformational Life Coach, NLP certified practitioner and  Prema Shakti Yoga Instructor.  Taking to heart Gandhi’s philosophy “Be the Change You Wish to See in the World,” she founded the Shakti Tribe Peace Outreach program which brings peace concerts and transformational tools into prisons, recovery centers and juvenile detention centers to teach peace paradigms to those at a cross roads.  www.larisastow.com


Your Retreat Includes:

  • All Retreat activities including workshops, prayer circles and entry to exchange
  • 4 days & 3 nights accommodations at the Crowne Plaza Hotel Ventura Beach
  • Hotel taxes
  • Daily breakfast
  • Dinner every night
  • Wine with dinner
  • Champagne and wine reception
  • Special “Dessert Buffet” with a lot of scrumptious goodies
  • Coffee, tea & water breaks

Price Per Person

Price Per Person in double room: $1,250 ($1,319 via credit card)

Price Per Person in triple room: $1,170 ($1,229 via credit card)




WInner's Circle

Put Top Gear, Extreme Makeover, Celebrity Apprentice and Junkyard Wars in a car compactor and you’ll get Winners Circle. Die-hard fans of NASCAR, Formula One and every other top-fuel motorsport dream of climbing into the cockpit, lacing up the belts, punching on a helmet and cannonballing over the asphalt, wind & adrenaline coursing through them. In every episode of Winners that wish becomes reality intertwined with a heartwarming human-interest story plus an opportunity for the viewing audience to participate. Grab a gear and pop the clutch, there’s never been a show quite like this before, although it borrows from some of the best unscripted shows of all time.



Winner's Circle Sneak Peek


Girls Gone Global!

Eden is the lead host of an all female ensemble cast that is currently shooting a new television series. Shot as a docu-reality-travel log, Girls Gone Global takes viewers on an engaging ride behind the scenes and into the lives, hearts and adventures of three fabulous life-long friends.  What do you get when you mix Melanie’s Rock Star wife by night – yogi by day life, Eden’s Hollywood on-set actress/host/national spokesperson/mom adventures  and Angela’s saving the planet while inspiring young minds- one child at a time? You get guaranteed laughs, hair-raising high-stakes emotions and an all access pass inside the private fast lane lives of these three dynamic women. These ladies love to laugh, are the center of attention- whatever the activity or whatever the destination and will share their secrets for having fun while scratching that voyeuristic itch viewers have for looking inside the lives and adventures of relatable yet extraordinary people. Viewers will want to know them, hang out with them and will be inspired to inject their own lives with more laughter and fun!

Girls Gone Global! is also being co-produced by her Production Company: Two Chicks That Met On A Plane with partner Victoria Johnson and Braden Barty of Wire Werks Media/Shadow Storm Productions.

Get To Know The Global Girls

Eden Marie James

Energetic and In Charge. Leader of the Pack. Adventure lover, risk taker, fun and flirty. Passionately persuasive - Master of the Art of Negotiation. Entrepeuner, Producer, Actress, Host.

Angela Gonci

Funny and Timid. Hybrid driver, earth activist, chemical concerned and anxiety ridden. Needs a push. Educator at Portland Oregons only designated "green" school.

Melanie Wassman

Sweet and Sultry. Former model and Playboy bunny. Yoga instructor and studio owner by day - Rock Star Wife by night. Visit her blog: www.livingaloha.wordpress.com

Take a look at the Global Girls hurling themselves off a cliff...

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